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Demanding Views

Talk With Your Prospects, Not At Them

Seth SnapApp1Seth Lieberman, CEO, SnapApp


Marketers have only one job: deliver value to their audiences. When marketers deliver value, good things follow. It sounds easy. However, cutting through the noise to deliver value can be hard, and getting customers to trust that you have value to offer is also hard.

There is no shortage of content for prospects to search and read. Rather, there is a problem of too much content, and no clear cut way to find, organize, vet and digest it. This then, is the marketer’s challenge: How do you make sure your content rises to the top, especially in a world where as much as 90% of the purchase decision is made before a prospect ever talks to the sales department?

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 2009

A Blueprint For Building A Dream Relationship Between Sales And Marketing

Brian Kelly HeadshotBy Brian Kelly, CMO, InsideView

Marketing and sales departments in most companies are not working cohesively. This disconnect creates a less-than-effective strategy to develop long-lasting relationships with leads. Marketers traditionally gather minimal information about leads, which they then transfer to sales professionals who attempt to make a connection. This process is generally inefficient and ineffective.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 2081

The Seven Deadly Sins Of Marketing Automation

Hayley Mullen UberflipBy Hayley Mullen, Content and Community Manager, Uberflip

I’m tempted to start by calling marketing automation the “hot new trend,” but “trend” implies something fleeting — and believe me, marketing automation isn’t going anywhere. Rather, more companies are realizing the need for marketing automation as part of their strategy, especially as content/inbound marketing replaces traditional in-your-face marketing.

If you’re new to marketing automation, the term can be misleading — automated means less work, right? Well, yes and no. A marketing automation platform will handle much of the grunt work, streamline existing processes, and provide the kind of insight into your audience that would take hours to dig up if done manually. But it’s not meant to take over your marketing for you. It’s meant to cut down on production time and lay the foundation for better marketing. Making the most of that is up to you.

  • Written by Hayley Mullen, Content and Community Manager, Uberflip
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 2340

Driving Better Mobile Engagement With Your Content

pauldanter headshotBy Paul Danter, VP of Sales and Marketing, Genwi

We all know that mobile is becoming the device of choice for accessing, referencing and researching most types of information. It’s instantly on, always connected and almost always available.

According to IDC, "by 2015, more Americans will access online content from a mobile device than through a desktop computer." Use any form of public transportation and you’ll know this to be true.

  • Written by Brian Anderson
  • Category: Demanding Views
  • Hits: 3804